The bustling streets of Istanbul are a familiar sight to 8-year-old Toprak.
Today, though, his excitement crackles like summer lightning. It's his birthday, and that means one thing - his very first Pokemon!.
He bounces next to his dad, Türker, who smiles warmly, his own eyes twinkling with shared anticipation.
Professor Oak's lab feels like a wonderland to Toprak. Three Poke Balls gleam on the table, each holding the promise of a fiery friend.
A feisty Charmander with a bright orange flame catches Toprak's eye.
Hesitantly, he clicks the Poke Ball, and out pops the little lizard Pokemon.
Charmander lets out a surprised chirp, then looks up at Toprak with wide, curious eyes.
Toprak reaches out a hand, a little nervous. Charmander sniffs it, then lets out a happy puff of smoke and nuzzles his hand.
A grin spreads across Toprak's face.
Türker who is Toprak's dad leads Toprak and Charmander out of the bustling city towards the lush foothills beyond.
Sunlight filters through the leaves, dappling the path ahead. Toprak gasps at the sight of a majestic Butterfree flitting between flowers and a playful Pikachu chasing a Pidgey.
They reach a clearing where a powerful-looking Rhydon grazes peacefully.
Suddenly, the ground trembles as a group of angry Zubats swoop down from a nearby cave.
Toprak shrinks back, a little scared, but Türker kneels beside him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, these Zubats are just a bit grumpy," Türker says with a wink.
We'll show them what a good team can do, right Charmander?" Charmander lets out a determined roar and ignites a small flame on its tail.
Emboldened by his dad's words, Toprak stands a little taller. Together, they strategize.
Charmander uses its fiery breath to scare away the Zubats, while Türker throws a Poke Ball, catching one of the stragglers.
Victorious and a little out of breath, they rest under a shady tree.
Toprak leans against his dad, a huge smile on his face.
He knows that with Charmander by his side, and his dad to guide him, he can explore the vast world of Pokemon, catching new friends and having incredible adventures along the way.