A wide shot of a lively family dinner. Everyone is joyfully chatting around the table, the atmosphere is warm and convivial.
Close-up of the clumsy uncle who stands up to grab a dish of spaghetti sauce. In his clumsy gesture, he accidentally spills the dish. We see the sauce flying through the air.
Close-up of the white tablecloth where the spaghetti sauce lands, creating a large red stain. Shock and confusion are visible on the faces of the guests.
The woman, holding the stained tablecloth, looks at it with a dubious expression, wondering how she will manage to clean it.
The woman puts the stained tablecloth into the washing machine.
Close-up of a bottle of liquid detergent, highlighting its powerful stain-removing properties.
The woman fills the washing machine’s detergent reservoir with the detergent.
The woman, smiling and satisfied, holds the perfectly clean tablecloth, ready for the next family dinner.